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Markos Moulitsas on Meet The Press on #hcr correct with nuance #politics #p2

I love DailyKos’ Markos Moulitsas’ passion for healthcare reform. I share that same passion. In a Senate that needs a super majority to pass this bill with some controls on the health insurance companies, incrementalism is necessary given the insurance paid off Democratic Senators.

Though many want the bill passed by reconciliation, any bill passed this way could be undone with a simple majority while this reform would not. Since we cannot guarantee continued large Democratic majorities the President is doing the right thing with this less than optimal compromise.

Best Quote from Markos was comment to Joe Scarborough when he insinuates that Obama’s mistake and dropping poll numbers was due to taking on Healthcare Reform and Afghanistan:

You cannot talk about Healthcare and Afghanistan being distractions. They are the reasons that Obama won the Whitehouse and Democrats Won Control of Congress including big massive support from Independents. Independents new what they were voting for… the problem with Obama’s numbers is that people voted for a Congress and President that would take on entrenched interests….

Democrats and Independents want results. We cannot realize complete results given the current Senator’s loyalties to lobbyists. It is a slow process that will require those of us on the left to educate Americans to prevent Right Wing Republican and Right Wing Democrat’s misinformation from taking hold. Only then will we have real control on what Senators effect in Congress.

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