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A must watch from Brave New Films.

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters,
New Yorkers are getting acquainted with their new neighbor, former Tennessee Congressman and bank executive Harold Ford, Jr. So far, we’ve learned that he rides around town in a chauffeured car, breakfasts at the Regency Hotel on Park Avenue, gets regular pedicures, and visited Staten Island once in his life, by helicopter.
What else do we know about the REAL Harold Ford?
Well, for starters, he’s a staunch opponent of abortion rights. He also disapproves of marriage equality for gay couples, opposes public safety laws to keep guns off the streets, and blames immigrants for America’s problems.
Doesn’t sound like much of a New Yorker, does he?
I grew up in New York. New York is a vibrant, tolerant, diverse community with forward-looking people with progressive social values. That’s the New York I recall and love. That New York has nothing in common with Harold Ford, Jr.
Now that he’s living in Manhattan instead of south of the Mason-Dixon line, Ford is remaking himself as a pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-gun control progressive. That’s why we compiled this video of the REAL Harold Ford, Jr., to show New Yorkers who their latest carpetbagger really is.
Join us and our partners at Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York, NARAL New York and Make the Road New York in spreading the word. Share this video with every New Yorker you know!
Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Films team

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