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Massachusetts Election Tests Democrats’ Staying Power #p2 #politics #coakley

A comprehensive article that attempts to illustrates why we are in the state we are in. The New York Times, likely our most important newspaper does not get it.

The reason for malcontent is not just the bad economy, budget deficits, or too much government. The reason for malcontent is the fault of an inept media that is being effectively manipulated by Conservatives, The GOP, and Tea Parties that profit from making a lot of noise and offer no solutions.

Had the media refuted the lies on healthcare reform as opposed to allowing them to fester as if they were simply opposing opinions, or had the media sent competent investigative reporters to France, Canada, and Germany to contrast their healthcare system with ours from an effectiveness and cost perspective, we would have had healthcare reform now with much better options.

Had the media refuted allegations of irresponsible spending as opposed to necessary spending by simply explaining economic 101 as it pertained to why a stimulus was a must, as well as explaining the GDP behavior when conservative policies were partially enacted that made the Great Depression worst, the Tea Parties would have no reason for their false sense of legitimacy.

Ultimately, President Obama and the Democrats were dealt a bad hand. To believe the those who claim to believe in the policies that almost brought us to the brink can somehow fix it is an oxymoron.

Until Democrats and Liberals get a spine and have more faith in American’s intelligence, and is willing to do the work to educate the populace we will lose elections. President Obama better start using his oratory skills on his own party else he will just be a care taker of the continued wealth transfer engine to the top 1% that was created by the Right.

BOSTON — There may be no better place to measure the shifting fortunes of President Obama and the Democratic Party than in the race being fought here this weekend for the Senate seat that had been held by Edward M. Kennedy.

When Mr. Obama was inaugurated one year ago this week, he and his party had big majorities in the Senate and House, enjoyed the backing of much of the country and were confidently preparing to enact an ambitious legislative agenda. Republicans seemed directionless and the conservative movement exhausted.

This weekend, Democrats are struggling to hang on to a seat held by Mr. Kennedy for 46 years in one of the most enthusiastically Democratic states in the country. Conservatives are enjoying a grass-roots resurgence, and Republicans are talking about taking back the House in November.

As Mr. Obama prepares to come here on Sunday to campaign for the party’s beleaguered Senate candidate, Martha Coakley, Democrats across the country are starting to wonder aloud if they misjudged the electorate over the last year, with profound ramifications for the midterm elections this year and, potentially, for Mr. Obama’s presidency.

Win or lose in Massachusetts, that a contest between a conservative Republican and a liberal Democrat could appear so close is evidence of what even Democrats say is animosity directed at the administration and Congress. It has been fanned by Republicans who have portrayed Democrats as overreaching and out of touch with ordinary Americans. CONTINUED

Political Memo – Massachusetts Election Tests Democrats’ Staying Power –

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