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Obama Obliterates GOP Talking Points At Republican Congressional Conference (Video) #p1 #politics

Over the last year one had to wonder if Obama forgot what got him elected. His pandering to Republicans was frustrating mostly because they were in fact the party that took the country to the brink of financial catastrophe, budgetary irresponsibility, and worldwide “pariahness”.

With a slight glimmer of Obamanism during the State Of The Union, one would not have expected a total frontal confrontation with Republicans and their talking points on live national TV a few days later. Well, that is exactly what we got. His command of the problems, the facts, and the GOP’s pseudo facts and talking points, made it an unfair competition that should give every progressive the modus operandi for tackling their corrupt message.

When forcefully asserting facts to fallacies explicitly, diligently,  and continuously, truth will prevail. Even the some of the willfully misinformed will desist.

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