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Organizing For America – You fight, we’ll fight #p2 #politics #hcr

If we want real healthcare reform and are intent on not letting the Right Wing take our beloved country over the cliff, it is time that we not just throw our arms into the air with futile disgust, but engage in winning policies and electing officials that will move us forward in a successful & sustainable direction.

As we head into an election year, the new strategy for killing reform is claiming that members of Congress who vote for it will suffer at the polls.
For months, our opponents have spread lies about reform to scare voters away. But the simple truth about what reform would actually do — save jobs, guarantee all Americans affordable, stable coverage, and significantly reduce the deficit — is something most Americans strongly support.
The question is, come November, will the voters know the facts?
OFA supporters have asked for a way to show every member of Congress that if they fight for reform now, we’ll back them up this election season.
That’s why we’re launching "You fight, we’ll fight" — a volunteer pledge bank where you can commit your time to back up candidates and officials who fight hard for health reform.
We’re shooting for 1,000,000 hours pledged to spread the word to fellow voters. And if we get there, we’ll publish the total hours pledged in USA Today, so there will be no doubt that health reform is both good policy and good politics.
Can you pledge right away?

President Obama has made it crystal clear that he has no intention of walking away from health reform — and this movement has made its desire to fight on just as clear.
And many members of Congress are already working hard by his side to get the job done. But for those on the fence about whether or not to proceed, knowing you are there to back up a courageous stand can make all the difference.
Your volunteer hours can have a huge impact no matter where you live. You can make calls into critical districts where health reform champions are in jeopardy, write letters to the editor, volunteer for nearby campaigns, or even just talk to friends, family, and neighbors to help cut through the special interest spin.
We’ll offer lots of ways to get involved between now and the elections in November, and you can decide which are right for you — the important thing right now is to publicly show your commitment to fight for those who make health reform a reality.
Please help us hit our ambitious goal of one million volunteer hours pledged:
We’ve certainly faced setbacks in this fight. But as President Obama told OFA supporters last week, that only means we need to work that much harder.
Thanks for making it possible,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

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