If we ever needed a great example of how Washington is broken, we got it this week. One Republican Senator spent days using every procedural trick he could to delay an extension of unemployment benefits in the worst economy we’ve had in decades. Only the overwhelming attention to the issue caused the other side to finally stand down and allow the vote to go forward. One thing we can be sure of: we’ll get the same games around legislation for clean energy reform to address the climate change crisis. And this is just too important to play games around. We need the good jobs that’ll come from building the new clean economy, and our planet desperately needs us to stop polluting the air. But we saw this week that when the pressure intensifies, we can break through the obstruction and games to get results. But only you can bring that pressure. So please, take a moment and call your Senators and let them know that you want action. Call the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121, and they’ll connect you to your Senator. When you call, be polite but firm in your resolve to see action on this critical issue. Tell them why this is important to you, and that you demand that they support immediate action on clean energy and climate change. They need to know that you care about this. Look, this isn’t as partisan an issue as many we’ve seen. I’ve been working hard with Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, on the legislation, and I’ve had productive meetings with other Republicans. But we need to raise the level of urgency across the board to get the result we need. We need to protect our climate from carbon pollution. And reforming the way we create energy will repower our economy, creating investment and good jobs and putting our country back in control of our own energy again. This is a critical step that we have to take. So make that call today. Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senators. They need to hear from you. Thank you, |