Chamber of Commerce Lies About Health Care Reform
4 minutes ago
On March 9, 2010, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce published a blog post falsely claiming the Democratic plan for reforming health care would increase premiums, increase the deficit, and kill jobs. In reality, the plan would reduce the deficit, lower premiums, and create up to 4 million American jobs.
The Chamber Falsely Claims Reform Will Increase Premiums
U.S. Chamber of Commerce:
Your health care costs will increase. The bill will do very little to control costs (iv), while simultaneously taxing the health industry — taxes consumers will pay (v) — and forcing Americans to purchase more expensive health insurance. [U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 3/9/10]
PolitiFact: "For Most People, Premiums Would Stay About The Same, Or Slightly Decrease." According to "The CBO reported that, for most people, premiums would stay about the same, or slightly decrease. This was especially true for people who get their insurance through work. (Health policy wonks call these the large group and small group markets.) People who have to go out and buy insurance on their own (the individual market) would see rates increase by 10 to 13 percent. But more than half of those people — 57 percent, in fact — would be eligible for subsidies to help them pay for the insurance. People who get subsidies would see their premiums drop by more than half, according to the CBO. So most people would see their premiums stay the same or potentially drop." [, 1/27/10, emphasis added]
CBO: House Bill Will Result In Lower Costs For American Families. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that in 2016, premiums will be $5,300 for an individual and $15,000 for a family of four in the Exchange. Without reform, the average family premium is expected to grow to $24,000. [CBO, 11/2/09; House Education and Labor Committee, 11/2/09]
Chamber of Commerce Lies About Health Care Reform | Media Matters Action Network