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Rep Ryan provide the building blocks to defeat GOP in November #p2 #tcot #hcr

I hope the Democrats and all Progressives are listening. Ryan’s budget is a continuation of wealth transfer to the rich as well as non-performing wealth protection for the rich. With the passage of healthcare reform and Republican Representative Ryan’s GOP sanctioned budget proposal, one could build an effective and true narrative that characterizes GOP ideas for exactly what they are, the continued building blocks of an oligarchy.

The narrative in simple language; “GOP assault on the middle class evident by their support of policies that make middle class Americans poor while transferring your hard earned working dollars to rich folks making money on your money”. Supporting documents will be Ryan’s budget and analysis as well as GOP defense of insurance company friendly policies.

Wake up guys. If cards are played right for the next 7 months, history could be made, the final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party as we know it. Then, the real reputable Republicans of yesteryear can emerge. We are waiting!!!

A Same-Old GOP Budget: Rich Pay Less, Everyone Else Pays More

by David Corn

At President Obama’s White House summit on health care last month, when it was the House Republicans’ turn to make an opening presentation, GOP leader John Boehner turned to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the top Republican on the House budget committee, to put forward the Republicans’ case. Ryan, a sincere-sounding policy wonk, said nothing about insurance company abuses, nothing about expanding coverage and nothing about addressing the affordability of health insurance. Instead, he zeroed in on one matter: the deficit. He conceded that the Congressional Budget Office had concluded that the health care reform legislation backed by Obama would reduce the deficit by $131 billion over the next decade, but he contended that this was because the bill was loaded with "gimmicks and smoke-and-mirror." He proceeded to argue that the health care measure would actually lead to $460 billion in deficit expansion.
Ryan’s presentation — which contained its own gimmicks — was a signal that the Republicans see him as their go-to guy on fiscal matters. So it’s quite fair to view the radical budget plan he unveiled a few weeks ago as a mainstream GOP initiative. Under his proposal — which Ryan calls "A Roadmap for America’s Future" and promotes on a rather spiffy Web page with gee-whiz graphics — Social Security would be rejiggered to include private accounts, and Medicare and Medicaid would be replaced with vouchers-based private systems. This would indeed be bold change, and some conservatives just adore Ryan for being so audacious and so in love with the power of markets. But there is a same-old Republican aspect to his plan: The rich would pay less taxes . . . and everyone else would pay more. CONTINUED

A Same-Old GOP Budget: Rich Pay Less, Everyone Else Pays More — Politics Daily

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