We could not have won comprehensive health reform without the work and dedication of people like you. You made millions of calls to Congress, sent thousands of faxes and petitions and held rallies, protests, house parties and more.
Our victory was huge, but our work is not done. Now we must defend reform and its supporters from attacks by those who would leave us at the mercy of the insurance companies.
The insurance industry and right-wing extremists have teamed up to weaken and repeal reform. In fact, the U.S Chamber of Commerce plans to spend $50 million this year to elect anti-reform candidates and gut reform before it’s even fully implemented.1
Health Care for America Now will not let this happen.
We will continue taking on the insurance companies, the Chamber of Commerce and all opponents of reform. We will work to defend, implement and improve the new law. We will continue to be the largest grassroots mobilization for health care reform, thanks to people like you.
In this new phase, Ethan Rome (previously Deputy Campaign Manager for Health Care for America Now) will be the coalition’s Executive Director. Campaign Manager Richard Kirsch will continue on as Senior Adviser.
In the coming months we will continue to demand that Congress stand up to the insurance companies and other corporate special interests and take the side of working families. We will update you on our work to promote reform and ways you can help.
You will be hearing from me as the new director of our online work. I look forward to working with you in the fights ahead.
In solidarity,
Melinda Gibson
Health Care for America Now