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Support Bill White For Texas Governor. Bring Back Respect To Our State #p2 #teaparty #tcot

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Intelligent Tea Partier, or otherwise, we need the Bill White template to get our state back in order. Join me in supporting Bill White.

Did you know that Rick Perry is charging taxpayers $9,000 a month for an extravagant rental mansion?

By the end of his term, he will have drained over $360,000 from us for the rental mansion he’s living in while the historic Governor’s Mansion undergoes renovations.

When Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a Republican, was faced with a similar situation, he lived in a donated triple-wide mobile home on the grounds of the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion to save taxpayers money.
Taxpayers should not be paying for a $1.85 million mansion with a heated pool, a cabana, and a full outdoor kitchen. Rick Perry should be setting an example.

Please help move Rick Perry out of his rental mansion by making a contribution of $5 or more to the Rick Perry Relocation Fund, also known as Bill White for Texas.

The state faces a staggering budget shortfall, with serious consequences for students, teachers, and Texas families.
Everyone is tightening their belts. Why won’t Rick Perry?

Please make a contribution of $5 or more to boot Rick Perry out of his rental mansion and help elect a leader who cares more about our state’s future than himself.

Last week we called on Rick Perry to leave his rental mansion and set an example for state employees who face budget cuts. Texas’ governor should be serving the people of our great state, not milking taxpayers.
We need a governor who will pinch pennies and make sure taxpayers get their money’s worth.

If you agree that it’s time for Rick Perry to leave both his rental mansion and the Governor’s Mansion, please make a contribution of $5 or more today.

Let’s make sure that if Rick Perry is living in a luxurious mansion a year from now, he’s doing it on his own dime.

Thank you,
Michael J. Moore
Campaign Manager
Bill White for Texas

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