Making money from money as opposed making money from products and services ensures a countries economy will ultimately fail as it transfers it wealth straight to the top.
The Secret of the Banks’ Success Back in early 2009 I was skeptical about the ability of major banks to recapitalize themselves out of profits. I was wrong, it turns out. Here’s why:
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Financial-industry profits have soared, probably because banks that can borrow money cheaply — because they have an implicit guarantee from the feds — are more or less guaranteed money machines unless they do something stupid; and gross stupidity has been placed temporarily on hold.
This has been good for the TARP, which won’t lose much money.
Beyond that, however, I find this ominous. We got into this mess because we had an over-financialized economy, with finance making a share of profits out of all proportion to its actual economic contribution. And now it’s baaaack.
The Secret of the Banks’ Success – Paul Krugman Blog –