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Too big to fail, meet too loud to ignore #p2


At hundreds of events across the country, everyday Americans are sending an urgent message to their senators: Pass strong Wall Street reform.

With a Senate vote on reform expected as early next week, the bank lobbyists are rallying — trying to water down the bill by sneaking in a wide array of loopholes.

But pressure from people like you is changing the equation.

Just days ago, Republicans in the Senate were standing firm with their Wall Street allies, voting repeatedly to block the bill. Then you spoke out, generating more than half a million actions in support of reform. And Senate Republicans caved.
In these final days before the vote, we need to continue ramping up the pressure. We must ensure the Senate bill stays strong enough to do what’s necessary to rein in Wall Street and protect American consumers. Take a minute to tell Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn today to stand up to the big banks and support reform.

Speak out for strong Wall Street reform now by calling your senators — and then please let us know how your call went.

Please call:
— Sen. Hutchison at (202) 224-5922
— Sen. Cornyn at (202) 224-2934

Thousands of Americans joined "Wall Street Reform Day of Action" events this week. From a grassroots "phone booth" on Main Street in Columbus, Ohio, to one in front of the largest financial firms on Wall Street, they’re making their voices heard across the country.
And we know it can work. Republicans in the Senate have been walking a fine line. Their special-interest allies on Wall Street are desperate to stop or weaken the reform bill — legislation the American people overwhelmingly support. And, unless we force their hand, Republicans won’t stand up to the big banks to help us pass reform. We’ve seen it time and again.

Today is about forcing their hand.

We want to overwhelm the phone lines of Republican senators, who are threatening to stand in the way of Wall Street reform. We want to be clear that any bill that doesn’t put in place the strongest consumer financial protections in history — or any bill that doesn’t ensure that taxpayers are never again asked to bail out the big banks — is unacceptable.

Make a call to Sen. Hutchison and Sen. Cornyn now — then report back how it went:

Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

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