Friday, June 4, 2010
Perry lies about Houston, says it’s "approaching bankruptcy"
Bill White defends Houston against false attacks
HOUSTON — Bill White today vigorously defended the City of Houston and his record of fiscally disciplined leadership after Rick Perry said yesterday to KENS 5, "the City of Houston…is approaching bankruptcy." The tape of the outrageous attack on the state’s largest city can be viewed on YouTube here:
"Rick Perry is so focused on his own re-election that he’s falsely attacking the largest city in our state," said Bill White. "It’s irresponsible. Perry, a career politician, has failed to show fiscal leadership and failed to prepare our state for the future."
"Under Rick Perry, state debt has doubled, state spending has nearly doubled, and the state’s facing the largest budget deficit in Texas history – $18 billion," said Katy Bacon, campaign spokeswoman. "Now career politician Perry is pulling the oldest political trick in the book – using outrageous, false attacks to distract from his own record."
Houston is in better financial shape than Texas state government under Perry and in better shape than other big cities in the country. To view a fact sheet, visit
Katy Bacon