While President Obama was securing funds from BP to pay for the damage their oil spill is wrecking on families in the Gulf, Republicans apologized… to BP.
Yes, Texas Congressman Joe Barton actually apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward and called it "a tragedy in the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown."
That’s right – Republicans think the "tragedy" is that BP will have to pay victims of their disaster.
This isn’t from some backbencher. Republicans want to put Congressman Barton in charge of the entire Energy and Commerce committee!
With our June 30th FEC reporting deadline fast approaching, now is the time to send an overwhelming message that grassroots Democrats will not stand by as Republicans shamelessly shill for their Big Oil backers. The national media will use our grassroots totals to judge our will to fight against the Grand Oil Party.
Barton’s not alone. Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann called it a "redistribution of wealth fund." The Republican Study Committee called it "Chicago-style politics." Even now, Republican Leader John Boehner refuses to sign on to House Democrats’ legislation lifting the liability cap on BP.
There is simply no excuse for refusing to hold BP accountable for the environmental disaster in the Gulf – and it is an environmental disaster, despite what Alaska Congressman Don Young claims.
It’s clear that Republicans are counting on their corporate special interests like Big Oil to fuel them to what they hope will be a record braking fundraising quarter — but this is a disgusting new low. Don’t let Big Oil’s backers claim the momentum.
Thank you,
Jon Vogel
DCCC Executive Director