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Disregard #TeaParty Deficit Nonsense Educate Yourself Against Harmful Indoctrination #p2 #tcot

The raw article that shows the effect of the tax cuts fiasco and its effects on our budget deficit going forward can be viewed at…

Why not pound this fact home over and over and over again.

The very people that are calling the unemployed "funemployed" are enjoying the very same tax cuts that sunk us into deficit spending and who beat the war drums that also played/play a major role in creating/increasing our deficits.…

11% General Government,  how much smaller can government get?

The GOP policies caused the deficit and prolongs long-term unemployment. 

We need to call them on their lies 24/7.

The first chart above is from a 2004 report by the Center for Budget and Priorities 

Tax Returns: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Bush Administration’s Record on Cutting Taxes…
Executive Summary

The Bush Administration has stood in favor of tax cuts through thick and thin.  In the midst of a booming economy and large projected budget surpluses, President Bush’s top economic policy initiative — both as a candidate in 2000 and upon taking office — was to cut taxes.  When the economy slowed, the Bush Administration’s response also was dominated by tax cuts.  Now, in the face of yawning deficits and its own pledge to reduce them, the Administration has again put forward large, permanent tax cuts as part of its most recent budget.…

Emphasis, mine.

IMO, this chart demonstrates that tax cuts increase the deficit because we know who implemented the tax cuts:  Reagan and Bush II…


Daily Kos: Deficit Hawks, Please Explain This

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