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Farmer who put up sign claiming Democrats ‘party of parasites’ took $1 million in subsidies #p2 #tcot #teaparty

This illustrates the hypocrisy of those in the Tea Party and the GOP leadership. Corporate welfare has always cost the American taxpayer much more than the pittance  that’s given to those in need or even the small number of scourges who abuse the system. The reality is the system is abused much more by corporate interests than by the indigent. I have many friends in Iraq who see the corporate waste and thievery first hand by those who have the gall demean the average American attempting get a fair shot of getting ahead.

Missouri farmer David Jungerman has raised the hackles of local residents with a politically-charged sign he’s placed on his “45-foot-long, semi-truck box trailer” on his farm. The trailer reads: “Are you a Producer or Parasite Democrats – Party of the Parasites.” Now, the Kansas City Star reveals that Jungerman has been the recipient of over a million dollars of federal farm subsidies since 1995:

The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995. […]

After a story about Jungerman’s trailer ran in Sunday’s Star, however, some readers called him a hypocrite for criticizing others for getting government help while taking government subsidies paid for by taxpayers.

Jungerman said he put up the sign to protest people who pay no taxes, but, “Always have their hand out for whatever the government will give them” in social programs.

Trying to defend himself, Jungerman told the press, “That’s just my money coming back to me. I pay a lot in taxes. I’m not a parasite.” He also said that the sign is aimed at national Democrats, not local Democrats, many of whom are “are old-fashioned Harry Truman Democrats,” who Jungerman says are “more conservative than many Republicans.” For the record, Harry Truman campaigned on establishing a single-payer health care system and famously vetoed tax cuts, making him much more progressive than many of today’s Democrats

Think Progress » Farmer who put up sign claiming Democrats are ‘party of parasites’ has taken $1 million in farm subsidies.

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