Rick Perry claims he represents Texas values. But Perry’s Texas is different than our Texas. In Rick Perry’s Texas, state boards and agencies are pressured from the top to serve those who help the governor’s re-election. In our Texas, government will be the servant, not the master, and our customers will be ordinary Texans.
In Rick Perry’s Texas, the governor threatens to leave the world’s greatest country. He is content to allow our state to compete with Mississippi for lack of social progress. In our Texas, other states will follow Texas because we will be the leader.
In Rick Perry’s Texas, our best days may be behind us. In our Texas, our best days are ahead of us.
For the next four years, do you want Rick Perry’s Texas or our Texas?
In Rick Perry’s Texas, it’s business as usual to cut spending on higher education while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the governor’s luxurious rental mansion with Neiman Marcus curtains, a heated swimming pool, and chefs.
In Rick Perry’s Texas, it’s not a problem to spend $816,000 from your campaign fund on food, beverages, alcohol, cable television, and other expenses for your mansion — while refusing to itemize those expenses as state law requires.
In our Texas, the governor sets an example of hard work for state employees and works to get value from our taxpayer dollars. He works more than seven hours a week on state business.
If you make a contribution to our campaign, we’ll put it to work for our state’s future. It will make an even bigger difference if we receive it before midnight tonight.
I have been overwhelmed by your support leading up to this deadline, which allowed us to increase our initial donation goal fivefold. Now, based on support from Texans of all backgrounds, we’re boosting our goal again: 6,000 donations by midnight tonight.
But I’m counting on your contribution to hit this ambitious new goal tonight — and show the pundits and the press that mainstream Texas families have had enough of Rick Perry’s Texas.
Thank you for everything you’ve done and are doing to bring new leadership to Austin.
Bill WhiteP.S. Please take a moment to forward this to your friends and family before tonight’s deadline, and encourage them to invest in our campaign for Texas’ future.