Part-Time Perry takes 15 long weekends
Another reminder that Rick Perry’s in it for himself
HOUSTON — As Texans prepare to celebrate the 4th of July and many anticipate a special long weekend, for Part-Time Perry it’s just business as usual.
According to state schedules for 2010, the incumbent has taken 15 long weekends despite the fact that the state faces an $18 billion budget hole and the fact that state spending has nearly doubled.
"We aren’t getting our money’s worth from Part-Time Perry, who’s charging taxpayers $428.57 an hour for work and nearly $10,000 a month for an extravagant rental mansion," said Katy Bacon campaign spokesperson. "Meanwhile, under Perry, the state faces an $18 billion budget hole as state spending has nearly doubled and state debt has doubled."
Yesterday, in a wobbly attempt to justify his slim schedule, the career politician told the Texas Tribune, "If they’ve made anybody that can outwork me yet, please introduce him to me. Or her. I don’t think that’s the case."
Previous analysis showed Perry averages, according to state schedules, a seven hour work week.
"Only a career politician would try to claim that a seven hour work week could not be outdone," Bacon said. "Rick Perry should meet the millions of Texans who work an average 40 hour work week."
Part-Time Perry’s schedules are available at Recently released schedules for June show that the incumbent still has yet to have a meeting about the $18 billion budget crisis. Schedules show 24 weekends so far this year.