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Obama’s Very Late On Mosque Issue – GOP Stance Unpatriotic & Dangerous #p2 #tcot #teaparty

President Obama was very late in addressing the building of the Mosque near the 9/11 terrorist attack. That said when reading the entire speech, every statement he made was factual and legal. I along with every moral American feel the pain those in New York feel and specifically the pain felt by those who lost loved ones. All people with morals have empathy.

Sadly Muslims have been maligned by radicals in their movement. Just like the GOP use racial differences and religious differences to drive wedges between people otherwise good people, so do the Islamic terrorist overseas by maligning several ill-advised moves we’ve made over here (e.g, Bush slipping and calling our rightful attack on Al-Qaeda a Crusade, and the outright prejudice reaction we have in building a Mosque near the 9/11 attacks).

I can’t help saying this: I wonder if the Indians ever objected the erection of churches. Currently many atrocities are performed under the name of Islam. It was not long ago that the atrocities were performed under guise of Christianity, from Canada & US through Peru, Chile, Argentina and all of Latin America. The “illegal aliens” came into these lands plundered the natives of these lands in the name of Christianity and their respective thrones. The “new” illegals are mostly here to coexist. We must be careful with our righteous indignations. While our country is lacking in educating its citizens in world history, most countries relish in it.

We have grown into the best country on earth because of our makeup and willingness to be enlightened.  Unless we educate ourselves instead of indoctrinate ourselves we will be short lived.

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