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A Liberal’s Reflection of the Republican Mind #p2 #tcot #teaparty

This is my iReport friend from New York. I could not have said this any better nor as passionate.



Many of the comments made on my post strike me as so typically Republican as opposed to Democrat and Liberal. So just for fun, I thought I’d sound off as "how I see Republicans.

I have heard so many things said by Conservatives and Republicans on many of my posts and from family members and friends that are Republican.

Some have accused me of not liking Republicans. That’s simply not true. I have many friends that are Republican but many more that are Liberals.

It’s the views and opinions that Republicans often have, that I just don’t understand. I try. Maybe they just lack the experiences I’ve had that could change them.

Some of these beliefs just appear to be uncaring and callous. I was Republican at an earlier time in my life. I was rich and lost it through a series of unavoidable events.

I had a daughter that was born pre-maturely, had insurance and they dropped us because the bill for intensive care came to more than $280,000!

I’ve lived through hard times after being rich, after owning my own companies, and after thinking all you have to do is work hard and you can succeed.

I still believe that. I also believe that we need social safety nets for Americans that have fallen on hard times- to give them a hand up and get them back on their feet. I believe in a sense of responsibility and civility and social responsibility.

Here, in this report, I put on the face I’ve seen since being a Republican, having lived through hard times and find myself coming out the other side…changed for the better.  It’s not just about me now, it’s about others and what I can do to help.

Just having some fun, so don’t get all hyper on me. This is a glimpse into my mind..a reflection of what I’ve heard said to me by my Republican friends and some iReporters.

Would some Conservative want to do the Reflection of the Liberal’s mind? Maybe I could get better perspective on what you find annoying about Liberals.

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