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UNCOVERED: TX Gov Perry’s secret schedules, self-serving political machine #p2 #tcot #teaparty

Thursday, October 7, 2010

UNCOVERED: Perry’s secret schedules, self-serving political machine

Rick Perry’s Unanswered Question #10

HOUSTON — Documents obtained by the Bill White campaign prove Part-Time Governor Rick Perry has been hiding a secret schedule.
"Rick Perry must immediately release the schedule he’s been hiding from Texas taxpayers," said White. "Rick Perry’s doing Rick Perry’s business while taking a full state salary and charging taxpayers for his lavish lifestyle."
Perry’s own website quotes him saying, "if the taxpayers are picking up the bill, they ought to be able to look at every item on the receipt."
The receipts show taxpayers aren’t getting their money’s worth. According to state schedules, Perry has averaged an 8-hour work week on state business in 2010. The secret he’s refused to share is what he’s doing with the rest of the time he’s being paid by Texas taxpayers, and what taxpayer-funded staff are doing with their time.
Just one day of Perry’s secret schedule reveals how he abuses state government as a self-serving, partisan political machine. In just one day, September 15th,

"After 25 years living off taxpayers, Perry’s forgotten it’s not his money. He’s turned the governor’s office into a division of his political campaign, and he’s been hiding it by releasing scrubbed schedules," said Katy Bacon, campaign spokesperson.
Just last week, Texans for Public Justice released an explosive report showing Perry has reaped $17 million in campaign cash from people he appointed to do the state’s business.
State schedules are available at The new schedules released today, including Wednesday, September 15, 2010 are available at:

Katy Bacon
Rick Perry’s Official 2010 State Schedule
Office of the Governor, 2010 Schedule
Four investment funds led by donors who gave Rick Perry nearly half a million dollars are receiving $6.6 million in fees.
Fast Facts TRS
Perry takes $17 million from appointees
Texans for Public Justice, Perry Reaps $17 million from his Political Appointees

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