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A Daily Dose of Truth (#1) – Medicare in Health Care Reform #p2 #tcot #teaparty #hcr

2800 Euclid Avenue #520
Cleveland, OH 44115

Launching: "A Daily Dose of Truth"

Reports of the last few days indicate that the attack on health care reform will continue and, in all probability, escalate in the final days of this mid-term electoral season.  Why?  Because polls show that attack ads work — even if they are not completely true or, worse, false. Shame on us!

As people of faith — trusted messengers — it’s our turn!  With fewer financial resources, but with relationships that reach into the depth and breadth of our communities, it is our job to transcend partisan politics and economic self-interests, and to be the truth-tellers in support of a compassionate health care future with a system includes and works well for all of us.

We begin with the declaration that "truth is witness to the whole." We know that one short sound-bite taken out of context — even if it’s a fact — does not necessarily represent the whole truth. We denounce the use of such sound-bites (from any party!) when they are intended to pervert truth for electoral gain. In the end, we acknowledge that a manipulation of facts to frighten and confuse vulnerable populations is just plain immoral.

We can change what’s happening, but it means each of us must be willing to share the TRUTH when we hear it.  We can and must make a difference because health care is, first and foremost, a people issue that should not be relegated to the caverns of political ideologies.  In sharing TRUTH, we are not supporting one candidate over another. We are simply making sure that people make their choices based on truth that witnesses to the whole — not on distorted perceptions based on mis-represented facts.

"A Daily Dose of Truth" will arrive in your email each day to help you compare what you are hearing to the real TRUTH in the Affordable Care Act. Please help spread the message to the far reaches of our country — via viral email, Facebook, telephone calls, chats with neighbors, and discussions in your communities of faith. Help us counter what is touted as true (with a little "t&quot with what is actually the TRUTH!

A Daily Dose of Truth :  Medicare in Health Care Reform

When health care reform was passed in March 2010, our nation’s seniors became the beneficiaries of a strengthened, improved, and re-structured Medicare system.  A number of provisions will improve Medicare services for enrollees and extend Medicare’s solvency for another ten years.

Direct benefits of health care reform for  Medicare beneficiaries

$500 billion savings to the system

The $500 billion in cuts that are being denounced in attack ads are NOT cuts to benefits. They are cuts in waste, fraud, abuse, and government subsidies for private-for-profit insurance.  

THE TRUTH (with the "big T&quotBecause of the 2010 reform of U.S. health care, Medicare is strengthened; beneficiaries will receive increased benefits; and costs will be control
led by cuts in waste, fraud, abuse, and government subsidies to private insurers.

For more information:

Faithful Reform in Health Care: What Health Care Reform Means for Medicare

Kaiser Family Foundation: Summary of Key Changes to Medicare in 2010 Health Reform Law (Issue Brief)

AARP:  What You Need to Know about the New Health Care Law (webinar)

HealthCare.Gov: Health Care Reform for Seniors (video & other info)

Medicare Rights Center: Health Reform and Medicare (Issue Briefs)

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