I received the following email from the Consumers Union; an organization that worked hard to get legislation passed that was consumer and middle class friendly.
When you hear that the current Democratic administration and congress accomplished little in the twenty two months since the election of President Obama, rest assured it is misinformation with the intent to slow down are reverse substantive accomplishments. Let me be clear, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives, and Harry Reid’s Senate has accomplished more substantively in 18 months than most presidents have accomplished in 8 full years sans Franklin D Roosevelt.
What has the Right so distraught is that these accomplishments were mostly middle class and consumer centric. By expansion, this means that the top 2% will ever so slightly be required to be more responsible for carrying their relative weight given what the middle class has afforded them.
After all, it is the middle and lower classes that fight the wars to maintain the freedom and open seas for the commerce that enrich. It is the middle class that consumes the services and goods for which they profit the most. It is the middle class that have mostly created the product and services for which many of the wealthy have only provided capital without work, sweat, or blood equity.
Many of the Liberal Wealthy has acknowledged this (e.g., Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc.) and are reinvesting their wealth back into the society and the world that have rewarded them. Many of the wealthy however are under the false belief that they are innately entitled to the wealth without realizing that were it not for the defect in capitalism that favors capital appreciation over work and favorable taxation of capital their wealth disparity would not be as pronounced.
It is imperative that the middle class be vigilant. The middle class must not allow the recent election of an incompetent Republican House of Representatives to derail the positive achievements thus far. There is a lot left to be done.
See some of the last two years accomplishments here.
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage: http://books.egbertowillies.com – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
Today is about giving thanks. And we couldn’t let this day pass at Consumers Union without thanking you, for all you’ve done to contribute to our mission of a fairer, safer and more just marketplace for all Americans. It’s been quite a year, and you were there with us every step of the way. We know that we ask a lot, and your time is valuable. But every email you sent, phone call you made, personal experience you shared with us, or donation you gave made a difference.
Take a moment to celebrate what we accomplished together:
- Americans with pre-existing conditions can now get health coverage. No longer can insurance companies drop you if you get sick, or limit the amount of medical care you or you family needs. Insurers must cut bloated bureaucracies and spend more of your premium dollar on medical care. And in three years new rules will make sure you can get good coverage at a reasonable price – especially middle class families squeezed by the recession.
- Finalized new rights for your credit cards and bank accounts. Banks must follow a new set of rules that prohibit sudden credit card rate hikes and ridiculous fees. And now you – not the banks – decide whether you want costly overdraft protection on your checking account.
- Nearing passage of a law to hold food producers accountable for safety. The first overhaul of our outdated food safety laws in 70 years passed the House, and will be voted on next week in the Senate. Instead of wasting time and money chasing outbreaks after they happen, rules will focus on prevention and making sure imports meets U.S. safety standards.
- Created a new financial watchdog to look out for you, not the big banks. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will make preventing rip-offs and fixing your problems with credit cards, banks and mortgages its only priority.
- Made public the rates of deadly infections at every hospital in the nation.
Starting next year, even if your state doesn’t have a law, you will be able to find out through a national website how your local hospitals stack up when it comes to preventing certain infections – pressuring them to clean up their act.
- Launched efforts to give you clean energy alternatives. We took a giant step forward by beating back the oil companies’ attempt to kill California’s clean energy law, which is viewed as a national model. Our goal is to make sure Americans have the choice of getting more of their energy from sustainable, renewable sources.
Simply put, without you, we wouldn’t have had these major victories. By standing up together, raising our voices and demanding fair treatment, we can take on the special interests. We can change how corporations and government do business. We can make things better.
Thank you again for joining us in the fight.
Happy Thanksgiving,