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Class Warfare In Full Vogue Republicans Holding Middle Class Hostage For Tax Cuts To The Wealthy #p2 #tcot #teaparty

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage: http://books.egbertowillies.comTwitter:

I wrote the book "As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom" this summer. I find it amazing how President Obama and the middle class at large have allowed the Republicans’ disingenuous narrative on taxes, on the economy, and on every policy they support to be plausible in our psyche.

The Republicans with the implicit middle class complicity because of a perfectly orchestrated misinformation campaign is doing irreparable damage to our country. Left unchecked we will simply be a “has been” country as the plutocrats move their capital to better pastures after we have been completely used up.

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