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The Wealthy Rules As The American Center Become The American Centroid #p2 #tcot #teaparty

The center of an object in physics corresponds to the geometric center of that object. The centroid of that object is the point where the object is balanced. If the density of the object is the same throughout, then the centroid is exactly equal to the center.

America has two types of centers. The first is the center that defines where most people are. The second is the centroid that defines where the wealth resides. In a perfect world America’s center would be America’s centroid.

A true democracy is actually governed from the center. That is, wealth should not determine political influence. Irrespective of financial wherewithal, every single American vote should be identical.

The reality is America’s wealth distribution puts the American Centroid far away from the American Center. This has caused America to be governed from its centroid in effect moving the American center all the way to the right.

The wealthy, plutocrats and oligarchs though in the physical minority maintain their political power through two effective methods. The first is the purchase of politicians via lobbyist. The second is the funding of a well-oiled and effective misinformation media (Right Wing Radio, Right Wing TV, FoxNews, and specific plants in the mainstream media) that is able to convince a large plurality of America to vote against their own financial, family, and country’s interest. Complete victory is then won at the margin. A Senate with a filibuster has been their insurance when the majority rebel as in the election of 2008.

America is at a tipping point. It could go gently into a low wage society of a new form of indentured servitude. More likely it will tip into a dysfunctional society of violent class warfare. This story has been played all over the world. Only the building of a progressive society biased to the individual middle class American can prevent either.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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