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Republican’s Fiscal Irresponsibility Continues With $230 Billion Deficit Addition With Healthcare Reform Repeal #p2 #tcot #teaparty

According to the CBO, repealing healthcare reform would increase the budget deficit by 230 billion dollars. It would leave 32 million more people without insurance and lead to higher cost for those that are covered. The CBO is the traffic cop that has been used universally by both Republicans and Democrats alike. The Congressional Budget Office is non-partisan.

Inasmuch as the CBO presents the best numbers that any side has, Speaker Boehner dismisses the effect of repealing the Healthcare Reform Bill as an inconvenient truth. Republicans constantly attempt to appear to be fiscally responsible as they accuse Democrats of being tax and spend liberals.

Most policies instituted by Republicans have been fiscally irresponsible over the last 30 year. President Reagan dramatically cut taxes without corresponding budgetary adjustments. President Bush started two wars without requesting sacrifice from Americans. He just added it to the deficit. He passed an expensive drug program by adding to the deficit. And he borrowed money for a tax cut that went mostly to the wealthy.

After 30 years of disastrous fiscal policies, they dump a deficit whose interest is equivalent to the size of our budget of yesteryear and an economy on the verge of collapse with a shrinking manufacturing base on to our new President. They then accuse him of blowing the budget that became structurally unsound by their policies.

Interesting enough it is under past Democratic Presidents that fiscal responsibility has been brought. This is not conjecture, spin, or misinformation. This is mathematical fact that can be corroborated from readily available information from impartial sources including the CBO. That the national media that is supposed to be unbiased, informative, and objective does not inform these truths to Americans is a national disgrace and a clear and present danger to our Democracy. It must be noted that the last balanced budget was under a Democratic President.

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