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Protect The People We Know And Love–Fight Against Healthcare Reform Repeal

The Republican-led effort to repeal health reform got knocked back this week, thanks to Democrats in the Senate.
But those pushing for repeal aren’t letting up.

Instead of working to create jobs as they promised during the campaign, Republicans are rehashing a debate that’s over.

And they will do everything they can — wasting time in the courts, in the state legislatures, and in the halls of Congress — to take down reform, even if it’s piece by piece.

Every battle could result in fewer choices, higher costs, and worse care for millions of Americans, for our families and friends — for people we know and love.

That is what’s at stake. And that’s why we must act.

With their special-interest allies, Republicans in Congress are running a well-funded campaign to attack the Affordable Care Act on all fronts.

We’ve seen it before. And we know that grassroots organizing — conversations with our neighbors, letters to the editor, calls to Congress, getting our message out on the ground and over the airwaves — is our best means for fighting back.

Organizing for America is leading the fight to protect our progress, but our campaign is only as strong as you help make it.

Please donate $3 or more today to support Organizing for America and fight back against all forms of repeal?

Senator Lindsey Graham is one of the leaders of the repeal effort. His plan to take out reform is simple: allow states to opt out of the law. And he isn’t shy about his true motivations. "If you take half the states out … this bill falls," he said. "Quite frankly, that’s the goal."

That’s the goal.

Not providing more freedom and control in Americans’ health care options.

Not finding a better way to cover 32 million Americans.

Not ensuring a mother with Hodgkin’s lymphoma will never have to reduce her treatment because she reached her plan’s lifetime cap in coverage.

Not giving seniors the freedom to get the care they need, including free preventive care, lower cost prescription drugs, and

Medicare that they can count on.

Not offering parents the choice to provide health coverage for a child after they’ve finished school.

Not freeing Americans from discrimination when an insurance company denies coverage because a woman is pregnant or a child is born with a disability.

And certainly not working to grow the economy or create a single job.

Instead, reform’s opponents just want to score political points.

It’s why they’ve brought legal challenges to the courts, hoping that activist judges will declare the law unconstitutional.

It’s why they’ve vowed to force a vote on repeal every time lawmakers do anything — even, as Sen. Graham said, a "vote on naming a post office."

It’s why they talk about "repeal and replace" but have yet to offer anything but repeal.

But this movement fought for reform for much different reasons.

For us, it’s not about a political scoreboard. The people who need the Affordable Care Act are our friends. They’re our neighbors. They’re us.

This campaign to protect our progress is about standing with them and making sure Republicans don’t get a chance to take us backward. And right now we’re hoping to raise the resources we need to fight back on every front.

Please donate $3 or more today:

Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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