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Texas Republicans Must Stop Trampling Women’s Rights

This morning I received an email from a friend and Kingwood, TX resident. It is obvious the frustration she feels and the sense of utter helplessness that women, young and old are not more reactive to MEN and GOVERNMENT who are attempting to take full control of their bodies.

How does this differ from the fundamentalists we are so willing to condemn? What ever happen to the Republican mantra of wanting government out of our lives. It would seem they want government out of the lives of those who would do us harm but at the same time want government in our lives to take full control of women’s actions, gay’s actions, or on anyone except Christian MEN.

Let us hope as Deborah says that both Democratic and Republican women will stand up to these men that just like in biblical times and medieval times intend to control them as a God given right.

As you all probably saw in the Chronicle today the Republican WAR ON WOMEN continues as the sonogram bill passed the Tx Sen and is now headed to the house.  Whether you are pro choice or not, this is the most insulting piece of legislation I have ever seen.  Apparently Dan Patrick and his cohorts believe women are clueless about their own bodies and need men and the government to protect them from themselves.

So now is the time to see what our newly elected rep is made of (as if we don’t already know).  Of course, he will vote with his party on this but I for one am going to make it as uncomfortable for him as possible.  ‘Kingwood’ may be Republican but there are plenty of educated women here who may vote R but are pro choice and recognize when they are being insulted.  Let’s be sure he hears from each of us and as many others as possible… PLEASE!    d


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