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Another Judge Throws Out Challenge To Healthcare Reform Bill

Chalk up another victory for Healthcare Reform. Those that are constantly objecting to healthcare reform are interesting. It is evident that it is unlikely to be repealed, yet they continue to push it. Make no mistake. This is no accident. You see, those on the Right Wing believe in keeping their own employed by all means necessary.

The Right Wing will continue begging for donations to fight “OBAMACARE” inasmuch as they know they will likely lose. They also know that their lawyer friends will be billing hourly. They know their advertising friends will be billing. Opposing all Obama is not anything personal against Obama by those in the Right Wing and in the know. Unfortunately many of the uneducated will buy into the the vitriolic talking points of the Right and may attempt to act on them.

Republican behavior cannot be define any other way but evil. After all, their techniques and policies cause material harm and have also resulted in the death of many. I do not make this controversial statement likely. The truth is out there for anyone with the desire to be factual, pragmatic, and honest.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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Obama Health Care Lawsuit Rejected By U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler

NEDRA PICKLER 02/22/11 08:05 PM

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Tuesday threw out a lawsuit claiming that President Barack Obama’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance violates the religious freedom of those who rely on God to protect them.

U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler in Washington dismissed a lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice, a Christian legal group founded by evangelist Pat Robertson, on behalf of five Americans who can afford health insurance but have chosen for years not to buy it.

The case was one of several lawsuits filed against Obama’s requirement that Americans either buy health insurance or pay a penalty, beginning in 2014. Kessler is the third Democratic-appointed judge to dismiss a challenge, while two Republican-appointed judges have ruled part or all of the law unconstitutional. Kessler wrote that the Supreme Court will need to settle the constitutional issues.

Three of the plaintiffs – Margaret Peggy Lee Mead of Hillsborough, N.C., Charles Edward Lee of San Antonio and Susan Seven-Sky of West Harrison, N.Y. – are Christians who said they want to refuse all medical services for the rest of their lives because they believe God will heal their afflictions. They say being forced to buy insurance would conflict with their faith because they believe doing so would indicate they need "a backup plan and (are) not really sure whether God will, in fact, provide," the lawsuit said.

The two other plaintiffs – Kenneth Ruffo of San Antonio and Gina Rodriguez of Plano, Texas – have a holistic approach to medical care and prefer to pay for their health services out of pocket, in part because insurance often doesn’t cover their chosen methods of healing.

The lawsuit argued that Congress does not have the power under the Constitution to require health care purchases and that the mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

Kessler rejected both arguments and ruled that Congress has the right to regulate health care spending under the Commerce Clause and that the individual mandate must be viewed not as a stand-alone reform but as an essential part of the law Obama signed 11 months ago aimed at reducing overall costs. She also said that anyone who objects to having health care for religious reasons can choose to pay the penalty instead – as the lawsuit said all five plaintiffs plan to do.

Kessler also expressed doubts that they can really determine whether they will never require health care. "Individuals like plaintiffs who allege now that they will refuse medical services in the future may well find their way into the health care market when they face the reality of illness or injury," she wrote.

Obama Health Care Lawsuit Rejected By U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler

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