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Finally Democratic Advertising Calling Republican Policies What It Is CLASS WARFARE ON THE MIDDLE CLASS

I have been begging. I have been pleading. Why is it that most Democrats and Progressives would not call a spade a spade?  It is true that in the last thirty years the middle class real after tax income has fallen. It is a fact that over the last thirty years worker rights have constantly eroded. It is a fact that the top one percent of Americans own more than the bottom fifty percent of Americans. It is true that ninety percent of stock market wealth is held by ten percent of Americans.

This is not hyperbole. Americans only had the semblance of prosperity before the Great Recession. They believed they were richer than they were with economic policies that allowed their home prices to be inflated yearly faster than the increase in income, wealth, or real demand.

Every policy passed or real bailout turned out to be a transfer of wealth from the middle class to those that created the Great Recession, the plutocrats/oligarchs. That Progressives and Democrats are too timid to loudly call it out defies reason. Americans must be educated to the fact that over the last thirty years the pilfering of the middle class was designed and implemented.

Now we must remember our independent nature and peacefully demand an economic system that is fair. We must demand an economic system that values work. We must demand a system that stops giving preferential treatment to investment income by taxing it at a very low rate while the working man’s income is taxed at a higher rate even as said income is declining.

Make no mistake, we are in the midst of CLASS WARFARE. Until Americans get it the middle class decline continues.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage: Twitter:

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