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Texas National Group And Others Advocating Secession Nothing But Unpatriotic Anti-Constitutionalists

When will the Tea Party and other similar groups realize that talk of secession is unpatriotic. While they attempt to label Progressives and Liberals as unpatriotic, their actions more than most display a profound hate of country.

Disdain for the government is synonymous with disdain for we the people.

Talk of secession is talk of committing an unconstitutional act.

Privatization of government services is equivalent transferring taxpayer dollars to wealthy corporations.

We must school these “patriots” now. After-all states controlled by the GOP are intent in the continued “dummification” of Americans to have them vote against their own financial and social interest

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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Texas Nationalist group rallies for secession in Austin | Politics | – Houston Chronicle

March 6, 2011, 8:13AM

AUSTIN — The Texas Nationalist Movement marked Texas Independence Day with a rally on Saturday at the Capitol urging Texans to save the state by seceding from the United States.

A small but enthusiastic group of Texans gathered on the steps of the Capitol, as an assortment of massive Texas flags blew above them in the chilly afternoon breeze.

Outrage was spread evenly toward Democrats and Republicans as leaders of the movement expressed their disgust for the growing national debt and the federal government’s treatment of Texas.

"Texas can take better care of itself than Washington," said Lauren Savage, vice president of the movement. "We are here to raise interest in the Legislature of the possibility of secession to cure the ills of America."

Members are demanding that state lawmakers introduce a bill that would allow Texans to vote on whether to declare independence.

Fed up with federal mandates, the burden of unsustainable taxes and disregarded votes, members say secession has been a long time coming.

"This is a cake that’s been baking for 85 years," said Cary Wise, membership director of the Texas Nationalist Movement. "All this administration has done is light the candles."

Demonstrators said they have had enough of state leaders who are conservative in rhetoric but big government proponents in reality, calling out GOP Gov. Rick Perry as one of the biggest frauds.

"I would love to debate Rick Perry live because we could once and for all show that the guy is a big government fraud who claims to be conservative," said Eric Kirkland, member of the Constitution Party of Texas.

Among shouts of agreement from the crowd, Kirkland added that he would love for Perry to walk out of the Capitol at that moment to engage in a debate.

Demonstrators said taxes are weighing down Texans and are ultimately unsustainable. Gerry Donaldson, host of Our Constitution: Foundation and Principles Radio Show, used bricks to demonstrate the burden dozens of taxes place on Texans throughout their lives.

Texas Nationalist group rallies for secession in Austin | Politics | – Houston Chronicle

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