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Republicans Starting To Codify Policies For Corporate Takeover of Local American Governments

Corporate control of America is the Republican Party’s ultimate goal. The Citizens United Supreme court case ensures that their will be an unlimited amount of corporate dollars to launch the indoctrination engine. It is imperative that we remain informed. The destruction of our real Freedom is being destructed by a group, the Tea Party under the auspices of the Republican Party, claiming that those of us who really are protecting America’s freedom and the well-being of the middle class American are abrogating America’s real freedom.


It is imperative that though Progressives lack the resources to match the corporate juggernaut, that we use our individual power of persistent activism to effect change beneficial to the individual and the middle class.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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Rachel Maddow Exposes Michigan Republicans Secret War On Democracy

March 9, 2011

By Sarah Jones

Last night on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, Maddow explained that Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder is pushing a bill through that will give ultimate governmental power literally to corporations, thereby using shock doctrine tactics to create a dystopian government. Synder’s bill not only goes after collective bargaining rights, but does in fact seem to represent the Republicans’ final solution to killing democracy by enabling the replacement of elected officials, dissolving entire city’s government and handing them over to corporations. Snyder calls his “budget bill” a “shared sacrifice,” but it gifts corporations with 1.8 billion in tax breaks while hitting citizens with harder taxes, including seniors and other vulnerables, and cutting essential services to an already suffering region.

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Rachel Maddow began her segment on Michigan with, “The Michigan House has already passed and the Michigan Senate is about to pass a bill that sounds like it is out of a dystopian leftist novel from the future. If you think Republican governors across the country are using fiscal crisis as a pretext to do stuff they otherwise want to do, this is something I don’t think I would have ever believed Republicans even wanted to do, but this is what they are proposing. This hasn’t gotten much national attention, but please check this out.”

She described the threat to democracy in Michigan, “Gov. Rick Snyder’s budget in Michigan is expected to cut aid to cities and towns so much that a lot of cities and towns in Michigan are expected to be in dire financial straits. Right now, Gov. Snyder is pushing a bill that would give himself, Gov. Snyder and his administration, the power to declare any town or school district to be in a financial emergency. If a town was declared by the governor and his administration to be in a financial emergency they would get to put somebody in charge of that town, and they want to give that emergency manager that they just put in charge of the town the power to, “reject, modify, or terminate any contracts that the town may have entered in to, including any collective bargaining agreements.”

The bill also has the power to suspend or dismiss elected officials, “This emergency person also gets the power under the bill to suspend or dismiss elected officials. Think about that for a second. Doesn’t matter who you voted for in Michigan. Doesn’t matter who you elected. Your elected local government can be dismissed at will. The emergency person sent in by the Rick Snyder administration could recommend that a school district be absorbed into another school district. That emergency person is also granted power specifically to disincorporate or dissolve entire city governments.



Rachel Maddow Exposes Michigan Republicans Secret War On Democracy

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