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Best Chart That Graphically Displays Class Warfare And The Reason The Message Must Get To Average American

The chart below is sad. Unfortunately we have done this to ourselves with our willful ignorance. We have setback the possibility of a real recovery for the middle class by electing a plethora of fascists throughout the country.

I specify the middle class because the Great Recession, really the 2008 Depression did not affect the wealthy at all. Worst, many in the wealthy class, the ones whose money is gained from the movement of capital and the creation of “legally fraudulent” financial instruments are the ones that caused the current financial catastrophe even as they fight any form of regulation to protect us all from their evil deeds.

That our spineless politicians cannot even muster the wherewithal to at least take their taxes to Clinton era levels is a direct correlation of middle class apathy that will be the demise of the middle class. Each recession and stock market crash over the last thirty years have been an exercise in progressive pilfering. The middle class is now at the breaking point and must decide if it will follow the third world middle class model and acquiesce to the plutocrats or demand their freedom from corporate control.


My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage:

The Must See Chart (This Is What Class War Looks Like)

by greywolfe359 Wed Mar 09, 2011 at 07:51 AM PST From

This will be a very short diary.  I just wanted to get this chart out there.  I originally received it as a post by the Facebook group "The Christian Left."  This chart puts the class war in simple, visual terms.  On the left you have the "shared sacrifices" and "painful cuts" that the Republicans claim we must make to get our fiscal house in order.  On the right, you can plainly see WHY these cuts are "necessary."  The reason?  Because we already gave away all that money to America’s wealthiest individuals and corporations.

This just mirrors what we’re seeing in Wisconsin, where Governor Walker (R-Koch) claims that ordinary public sector workers need to fork over at least $137 million to save the budget.  Problem is, he just gave away $117 million in tax breaks for his corporate pals.  This is out and out class warfare.  The big corporations in America have decided that they can get even richer by raiding the public treasury.  It’s time for the middle class to stand up and defend itself!

And it’s good to see that an aggressive Middle-Class Defense is already under way in Wisconsin.  Following the chart is my video tribute to those courageous men and women who have woken up, smelled the coffee, and started to roll!

Daily Kos: The Must See Chart (This Is What Class War Looks Like)

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