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Women’s Campaign Forum President Siobhan “Sam” Bennett At Netroots Nation On Electing Women

The Women’s Campaign Forum (WCF), a nonprofit non-partisan organization focused on electing women had a breakfast that focused on women candidates for office. It presented one of the better breakouts at Netroots Nation in that it gave researched information to candidates on how to fight attacks that women from all parties usually face.

Siobhan “Sam” Bennett opened the floor to three distinguished women. Greenville MS Mayor Heather McTeer who is running for Congress in Mississippi District 2, Tarryl Clark who is running for Congress in Minnesota District 8, and Krystal Ball who ran in Virginia District 1.

Each of the above mentioned women had a story to tell. Their similarity relative to sexism was astounding. Sam Bennett detailed how women should handle it. Additionally she is encouraging women to run in mass in elections throughout the country. She had a very telling statistic. On average even Conservative Republican women vote more Progressive than Democratic or Republican male politicians. That is all most of us should need to hear to ensure we have a strong slate of women running in 2012.


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