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President Speech Factual But He Missed A Critical Opportunity To Be Firm

It is a known fact that Republican policies ensure firstly as low a tax on corporations and the wealthy at all cost. If some of the spoils happen to fall to the bottom 98% of the citizens (the middle class and the poor) they are OK with that. If not, they simply don’t care as they believe those at the bottom should lift themselves up by their own bootstraps inasmuch as most of the wealthy was assisted there.

What many Republicans forget is that it is their failed policies of supply side economics (once known as voodoo economics by the first George Bush) that is responsible for the huge income/wealth disparity. That ultimately depressed the middle class and drained the country’s coffers by giving tax cuts to the wealthy as we borrowed back that same money for the tax cut generated deficits and repaid the wealthy with interest from the middle class. In other words it is a continuous transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy.

The president must make it clear to the wealthy and business that he will not blink. The president must do this now to ensure that there is time for business and the wealthy to force their Republican cohorts to send a balanced bill. After-all, most of the middle class is already hurting. The catastrophe of a default while will hurt us all, will permanently wipe out the wealth of many who have not lived the middle class life for decades. That will ensure movement by the Republicans to a balanced approach.

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