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We Should Open Our Eye’s To Other Countries’ Successes By Merry Foxworth (Woodlands Villager 2011-08-25)

Excellent article by Merry Foxworth.Sometimes even though the truth is immediately accessible, many allow themselves to be willfully ignorant.

I hope many will read this letter to the editor not only literally but understanding how the thinking it eludes to to many in our country materially affects not only our discourse but our accomplishments. A country cannot continue to flourish unless it learns from its own mistakes and mistakes of others.

Most importantly a country that thinks it is omnipotent and is immune from learning from others sets itself up for irrelevance. That is the position we are fast approaching. One can only hope that as people like Merry Foxworth and others make their voices heard, others will use it as food for thought.

Merry Foxworth is a member of the Woodlands Coffee Party. They meet at the Denny’s in The Woodlands every third Sunday between 3 and 5 PM. Visit our Facebook Page.

Woodlands Villager

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