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Teens, It’s Time To Stand Up And Make Your Vote Count by Nia Wesley (kingwood Observer 2011-08-31)

NiaWesleyI picked up my Kingwood Observer this morning opened it and read the headlines. I turned to the editorial section to see if my last My Turn article was printed read it for good measure and then continued reading.

I was immediately drawn to the article “Teens, its time to stand up and make your vote count” and got excited because I have been preaching for years that the youth need to be political involved. After all I believe my generation, the baby boom generation, has mortgaged much of their future. Until they get involved politically, my generation seems intent on maintaining their bad acts.

I was pleasantly surprised after reading the article and looking for the author of this wonderful piece that it would be Nia Wesley, a personal friend of the family. Nia is a 17 year old  young, adventurous, intelligent, and motivated Atascocita High School Senior. I hope that her continued writing for the Kingwood Observer will not only invite more of our teenagers to engage politically, but to do something positive with their lives. I am sure her parents Waymond and Niki are very proud of her.

That said, Nia’s article does not only speak to teenagers. It speaks to every disengaged American. It speaks to every apathetic American. It is a message that you must educate yourself politically and objectively cast a vote in the interest of yourself, your family, and your country. Please read her turn.

Nia Wesley (KingwoodObServer)

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