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After 9/11, Perry’s Texas Wasted Homeland Security Money on Sports Cars, Neckties, And A Hog Catcher


by Marie Diamond  Published: Thursday 8 September 2011

Think Progress / News Report

A report this year by the inspector general of the U.S. Homeland Security Department criticized the state’s management of Homeland Security grants from 2006 to 2008

In the years since the Sept. 11 at­tacks, Texas has re­ceived at least $1.7 bil­lion from the De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity, with lit­tle ac­count­abil­ity over how law­mak­ers spent the money. In­stead of using the fed­eral DHS grants to strengthen the state’s se­cu­rity, of­fi­cials often used the funds for per­sonal ex­trav­a­gances like sports cars:

[A] Fort Worth Star-Telegram ex­am­i­na­tion of thou­sands of pur­chases also found a $21 fish tank in Seguin, a $24,000 la­trine on wheels in Fort Worth, and a real pork pro­ject — a hog catcher in Lib­erty County.

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Home­land Se­cu­rity paid for body bags, garbage bags and Zi­ploc bags.

If tax­pay­ers had a say, they might have gone along with some pur­chases, such as $24,012 in body armor for the Hous­ton Met­ro­pol­i­tan Tran­sit Au­thor­ity. But what about the two 2011 Ca­maros, each $30,884, used in Kle­berg County bor­der en­force­ment?

A re­port this year by the in­spec­tor gen­eral of the U.S. Home­land Se­cu­rity De­part­ment crit­i­cized the state’s man­age­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity grants from 2006 to 2008.

The audit con­cluded that Texas passed on Home­land Se­cu­rity funds to local gov­ern­ments “with­out ad­e­quately de­fined goals and ob­jec­tives to strengthen pre­pared­ness and re­sponse to at­tacks or dis­as­ters.” In­stead of mon­i­tor­ing how local of­fi­cials were per­form­ing their re­spon­si­bil­i­ties, the state asked them to rate their own per­for­mance. Pre­dictably, with­out over­sight from the state gov­ern­ment, local of­fi­cials used the money as they saw fit — which in­cluded ex­penses that had noth­ing to do with mak­ing cit­i­zens safer. […CONTINUED…]

After 9/11, Perry’s Texas Wasted Homeland Security Money on Sports Cars, Neckties, And A Hog Catcher | NationofChange

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