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Wealthy aren’t Job Creators They Are Job Exporters. A blind man can see that.

Finally a challenged to the nonsense preached by the Republicans. Until the Left stop allowing the Right to dictate the message working middle class Americans will be at a disadvantage.

The Right is famous for lying through phraseology. They increase pollution as they call a policy something like clear skies. This is no different than what they are doing with the phrase Job Creators for a wealthy that has mined the American resource without reinvesting in America. The wealthy are not Job Creators. They have now become Job Exporters.

Your "Job Creator" Is My "Robber Baron"

Our Republican friends in Congress do not speak of the wealthy, or the well-heeled, or Heaven forbid, the robber barons. No, the rich are referred to respectfully and euphemistically as "job creators."

That would be as in House Speaker John Boehner’s committing to "end the uncertainty plaguing job creators." And how do we do that? Boehner’s answer: by "ending the threat of tax hikes." The front-runner among likely candidates for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, stated, after President Obama recently urged ending the Bush-era tax-cuts on those earning over $250,000 a year, that, "The last thing we should be doing is raising taxes on the job creators …"

Of course, that is exactly what the only Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to win a second White House term, Bill Clinton, did in 1993. Without a single Republican supporting him in either the House or the Senate, Clinton raised the income tax rate to 39.6 percent for the most prosperous, the top 1.4 percent of Americans. We were told by the leading Republican crepe-hanger of that era, former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, that "(President Clinton’s) tax bill is a one-way ticket to a recession."

What followed is history. Even with that onerous burden on the most affluent, more than 21,844,000 new private-sector jobs were created during Clinton’s presidency. This was immediately followed by President George W. Bush, who was totally committed to lightening the load on the moneyed "job creators." Bush cut the top rate from 39.6 percent down to 35 percent, which according to the respected Tax Policy Center, meant a 7.3 percent average increase in after-tax income for the most privileged 1percent of earners — oops, job-creators.

By way of comparison, the effective federal tax rate for the 400 highest earners during the first Clinton administration was 30 percent on an average individual income of $50.9 million.

By 2007, after the Bush tax cuts had kicked in, the effective federal tax rate on the 400 highest earners had fallen to just 16.6 percent, while the average individual income had swelled to $345 million.

Major problem was that very few jobs were created during Bush’s eight years in office. In fact, on the day George W. Bush in 2009 left the White House, there were actually 673,000 fewer Americans employed in the private sector than were on the day of his first inauguration in 2001.

But at least those "job-creator" tax cuts pay for themselves, right? Not so, according to two chairmen of President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors. Chairman Greg Mankiw in his textbook wrote that […CONTINUED…]

Your "Job Creator" Is My "Robber Baron" by Mark Shields on – A Syndicate Of Talent

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