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Occupy Movement Will Make Democrats Act Like Democrats Again

I am a Liberal. I am a Democrat because the Democratic platform is a Liberal platform. The Democratic platform is a Progressive platform. This country was made a better country because of liberal values; Liberal values effected by both Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

Absent Liberal values segregation and Jim Crow laws would still exist. Absent Liberal values women would still not be allowed to vote. Absent Liberal values there would be no minimum wage. Absent Liberal values there would be no safety net (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc). Absent Liberal values there would be no check on the wealthy’s continued pilfering of the middle class.

But wait! The middle class has been pilfered. What happened to our Democrats? What happened to our Liberal bastions. Many sold out and became Republican Lite. We all know the Tea Party was a fabrication. It was no grass root movement but the creation of the Plutocrats fearing a Liberal President that would change the order established by the coalition of Republicans and Democratic values traitors.

Our President had to make deals to get a semblance of the policies he really campaigned on or wanted because he never had sufficient support from the elected Democratic base. Now comes the Occupy Movement. A movement I dreamed would occur for years. A movement I pray will be sustained. A movement that will only be sustained if we all support these young brave patriots not only with money, and food, but with our bodies as well.

Ari Melber of the Nation in the video below articulates perfectly our modus operandi in the political domain. Now Let’s get busy.

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