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Republicans Are Not Racist Their Candidates & Leaders Are

As a black man involved in politics who believe in unity, forgiveness, & tolerance, I hate discussing race in this platform for doing so generally clouds one’s entire message. People stop being frank and start metering their thoughts, their speech, and their comprehension through lens filtered needlessly by race.

When I walk into a room I am cognizant that I am a black man. When I open my mouth I am cognizant I am a Latin Caribbean man. When I show my passport I am cognizant that I get a little more scrutiny for my country of origin. When I am in a lily white area I am cognizant enough of peoples’ false fears of a black man and in order to get my points and my message across, I make myself as threatening-less as possible. That is the silent existence of any cross cultured black man like me.

But this is not about me. The above is still true because of political shenanigans played mostly by the Republican leadership most of the times and by the Democrats some of the times. Most people are good people just trying to make a living. Most people have a propensity to believe and follow their leaders.In that light the fact that otherwise intelligent political leaders would resort to false narratives as seen in the video below is appalling.

To promote the idea that any particular race is averse to work is racist. To promote that any race has a preponderance to want a handout is racist. Why are statements like these racist? Because they are false. All our problems, minority on minority crime, the over representation of minorities on welfare, the over representation of minority crimes, and the over representation of minorities in jail are the results of decades of socio-economic and racist policies. Born into socio-economic “decrepitness” seals the faith of most in that condition irrespective of race but exacerbated by race.

We will only solve America’s problem when we solve ALL Americans’ problems. The leadership of the Republican Party has instituted policies that by design prevents this. Their rhetoric is just the verbal confirmation of their failure.

Kudos to Al Sharpton, an activist I once despised for his past flamboyant and self-centeredness. He has grown over the years to an activist that now has my full respect. Now, if Al Sharpton can change is it not time for the Republican leadership?

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom

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