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Romney Rule vs. Buffett Rule–Entitlement versus Work Ethic

President Obama called for passage of the "Buffett Rule" in his State of the Union address last night. On the same day, millionaire Mitt Romney released two years’ worth of tax records, confirming that he pays a lower tax rate than millions of working families — and confirming the need for the "Buffett Rule." 

Do we really want our kids to grow up in an America where millionaires pay lower taxes than working families?

We need leaders who understand the challenges working Americans face.In his State of the Union, President Obama called for passage of the "Buffett Rule" — based on the simple idea that middle-class families shouldn’t have to pay higher taxes than millionaires.

On the same day, Mitt Romney’s partial tax disclosure confirmed that he pays a lower tax rate than millions of middle-class families. That’s the Romney Rule — the idea that millionaires are entitled to pay lower taxes than Americans who work for a living. And if we don’t like it, we’re just jealous.

Which America do we want: a nation where millionaires pay lower taxes than working Americans or one where everyone finally contributes their fair share? Note that Mitt Romney is making millions in income every year from investments. He does no work yet he pays a smaller percentage that someone who wakes up every morning to go to work.

"This is NOT a choice between Romney’s pro-growth opportunity society and Obama’s entitlement society."


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