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My Daughter Ashley Willies Was Featured on CNN/HLN Series ‘I Am America’ (VIDEO)

Ashley Willies

The HLN / CNN Piece Aired This Morning

My daughter submitted an iReport for the “I Am America” series at CNN. She Skyped me up from Austin and said “Daaaad, guess what. CNN just emailed me and said they wanted to interview me for the iReport submission I made. What should I do?” I said “Duh, do the interview!”

She was a bit nervous. She had some problems scheduling time between her classes but ran back to her apartment a few minutes before the call. She Skyped me just before the call and ask me if she needed to wear anything special. Asking me a question like that is like a model asking a hobo how to dress. I told her I don’t know, just wear clothes, like whatever you have on.

After the interview she Skyped back and said she was a little nervous but it went well. She said they asked her to submit some pictures and videos. I think she did a wonderful job. Knowing her as I do she did it all from the heart. She is simply that kind of daughter and I am very proud of her. And  that is an unbiased opinion.

Ashley Willies Submission to CNN iReport

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