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Mitt Romney just survived Super Tuesday. Middle class voters know his first loyalty is to corporations

Mitt Romney survived Super Tuesday, barely pulling it off in Ohio but only after voters in the $200K category put him over the top and his billionaire-funded super PAC outspent his opponents by 3 to 1. After outspending his rivals in Tennessee by 9 to 1 and in Oklahoma by 50 to 1, he still lost both states.

In the midst of all the political commentary, let’s not forget that Americans want leaders who’ll fight for all of us — not just those who write the biggest campaign checks. Mitt Romney wants to give the richest 1% like him more tax handouts but shift the burden to working families and cut Social Security and Medicare.

It’s no wonder he won with the richest voters in all the Super Tuesday states, even the ones he lost. He scratched out a win in Ohio after voters in the $200K category put him over the top, but he still struggled with regular voters.

Romney survived Super Tuesday, but he’s got a tough road ahead with voters who work for a living. They’re on to him and what he stands for — and they’re not buying it.


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