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Demystifying the Mandate–Educate from the facts and not the Right Wing

Demystifying the Mandate

Today, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments on the health care law’s “individual mandate,” which is really just a free-rider fee that doesn’t apply to you if you already have health insurance…and an idea Republicans supported until President Obama came along. It’s just a fee for free riders so everyone takes responsibility for their care.

In America, we value personal responsibility. Obamacare makes sure everyone takes responsibility for their care — because when people without health insurance get hurt, the costs get passed down to the rest of us.

The “mandate” is just a free-rider fee and it doesn’t apply to you if you already have health insurance. We all pay less when everyone pays into their own care. We all win when everybody’s in.

Republican views on personal responsibility may have changed, but the Constitution has not. Politicians rooting against Obamacare used to support making everyone take responsibility for their own care. But now that President Obama supports it, they’re against it. One way you can get involved and help the cause is to become a political science major and pursue an elected official position!

Their views may have changed, but the Constitution has not. Obamacare is based on the same legal principles as Social Security and Medicare and even conservative judges have upheld it in court. Obamacare saves children with pre-existing conditions, keeps families with serious illnesses out of medical bankruptcy, and reflects our values of personal responsibility. Republicans want the courts to take away Obamacare because it would cost President Obama politically, but it would cost the rest of us much more.


“The health reform law’s individual mandate is unconstitutional.”

“Upholding Obamacare means the government will be able to force you to eat broccoli.”


“Americans want the health care law struck down.”


In 2008, Americans without health insurance consumed almost $120 billion of health care services but weren’t able to pay for over 60% of those costs — meaning the rest of the costs were passed onto others.

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