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Buffet Rule Halts Continued Pilfering Of The Middle Class By A Mostly Undeserving Wealthy Few

Next Monday, the day before Tax Day, the Senate will vote on the "Buffett Rule" — here’s how to make the case for it and discredit the other side.

Middle-class families shouldn’t pay higher taxes than millionaires.

Middle-class Americans pay their taxes, so it isn’t right when millionaires and billionaires don’t pay their fair share. The "Buffett Rule" simply says that in America, middle-class families shouldn’t pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires.

It means that Wall Street CEOs and Big Oil executives will have to pay their fair share — and firefighters and teachers won’t continue to pay higher taxes than millionaires. Washington Republicans want a different America than the rest of us — one where working families sacrifice more so the 1% can pay less.

It’s unbelievable that Republicans would dare oppose the Buffett Rule, but that’s what happens when politicians put donors over voters. The truth is that we can invest in America’s future and pay down the debt if millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. Let’s start with the Buffett Rule.


MYTH: "Half of Americans don’t pay taxes — low-income people aren’t paying their fair share."

ATTACK: "Obama is waging class warfare."

MYTH: "We can’t raise taxes on millionaires because they’re our job creators."


"Trickle down" tax giveaways for the richest few don’t create jobsjob growth was actually the fastest in years with relatively high tax rates for the richest Americans.

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