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President Obama Boldly Authorized Operation that Killed Bin Laden–Would Mitt Romney Have?

While President Obama boldly decided in an uncertain window of opportunity to authorize the operation that finally got Osama bin Laden, Mitt Romney said he opposed taking unilateral action inside Pakistan to eliminate terrorists from the battlefield and that it wouldn’t be “worth moving heaven and earth” to get bin Laden.

One year ago today, President Obama authorized the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. A commander-in-chief only gets one chance to get it right, and the President has never tried to avoid the tough calls. While President Obama boldly decided in an uncertain window of opportunity to authorize the operation that finally got bin Laden, in 2007 Mitt Romney said he opposed taking unilateral action inside Pakistan to eliminate terrorists from the battlefield and that it wouldn’t be “worth moving heaven and earth” to do so.

Romney lacks the foreign policy vision to be President. In 2007, he criticized both the President and Mike Huckabee for saying they’d be willing to go after terrorist targets in Pakistan. Even Rudy Giuliani disagreed with Romney on that call.

Under President Obama’s leadership, we have successfully confronted our enemies and strengthened our alliances to effectively meet the challenges we face overseas. President Obama:

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