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Unemployment Report And Bad Analysis–I am pissed–Rant With Me

Yes! I am pissed. I am tired of seeing these puny unemployment reports. I am tired of hearing the Republicans complain that our President somehow has more control on the economy than he does.

It is not the President that destroyed and is continuing the destruction of the middle class. It is our implementation of poorly regulated unfettered capitalism. It is that we give more worth to those who move capital and produce nothing tangible or beneficial for our society. It is that we have made the market an inhumane god that we continue to worship. It is that as Americans we continue to behave as if we are inflicted with battered woman or battered man syndrome. We find it difficult to find our own self-worth and in that failure we look to those that claim to have the answers yet are no more than the perpetrators of our downfall.

We believe the crap they tell us.

Come on America. Let’s start thinking for ourselves and make The Koch brothers, FoxNews, and Karl Rove irrelevant. Aren’t you pissed!! You should be.

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