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Nick Hanauer TED Speech – Wealthy Do Not Create Jobs–The Middle Class Does

Nick Hanauer TED Talk

I just saw this video in my Facebook feed and had to go to YouTube to find it. It is funny that I came across this today given that I just submitted a modified version of my blog post titled “The American Middle Class Will Revolt Against Austerity” to my local paper to place in the editorial section.


BREAKING: You Know That Nick Hanauer TED Talk You Weren’t Supposed To See? Here It Is.

Nick Hanauer, self-described “super-rich” entrepreneur, gave a pretty compelling TED Talk about how the middle class—not the super-rich—are the real job creators. But TED, which has released over 100 different political videos in the past, thought this one was too partisan and chose not to release it. We didn’t notice any flaming partisanship in it. We normally love TED, and were surprised they didn’t think this talk was TEDworthy.
Under pressure from the Internets, TED finally relented and released the video. Watch it and decide for yourself if it’s really all that controversial to say that the “super-rich are not job creators.” Then share it like crazy.

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