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Cory Booker Is Wrong. Both Private Equity Firms And Wall Street Are Parasites In Our Economy

imageCory Booker Is Wrong. Both Private Equity Firms And Wall Street Are a Parasites On Economy
Ask yourself a simple question. What does Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan, do for a living?  What does he produce? Under his leadership the company lost north of 2 Billion dollars. For that failure he kept his job and pay. What did Mitt Romney produce for our society while he was at Bain Capital? The answer is simple. Irrespective of whether the underlying company he bought and sold was profitable or not, he used it as a conduit to transfer money (extract capital) out of those companies directly into the hands of his investors and himself.

We have been taught to revere the Mitt Romeys and Jamie Dimons of the world as if these titans of finance have real value above and beyond most productive middle class Americans. We have been taught that somehow we are dependent on what they do to survive as a society.

It is important that as a society we do not buy into all that we thought we knew. We must buy into common sense. We must buy into what our guts tell us. It is important that as Americans we start believing more in our own self-worth as opposed to what the titans of finance have programmed us to believe. It is important that we start putting our country back together with these titans of finance playing a much smaller role in our society.

Teachers are the bastions of our society. They ensure that knowledge move from generation to generation. Scientists devote their lives to discovery. Engineers use these discoveries to create products useful for society. Doctors ensure society remains healthy. Garbage (wo)men ensure we do not live in filth. Janitors keep our places clean. I could go on and on with professions that affect our lives daily. These people work every day and pay taxes at a higher marginal rate than the titans of finance. Business owners invest their sweat capital, savings, and take out loans to put all professions to work towards a product or service that benefit us all.

Many times after the fact the titans of finance look at the products, goodwill, service, and worth created by businesses as a potential body to invade. After all, most of the work to create an enterprise is already complete.  Like a parasite, they attach themselves to the body and suck as much as they can out of that body. Sometimes the body dies like when heartworms invade the heart of the dog you love. Sometimes it is simply like herpes where it lives within you without causing fatal damage most of the times. But it is never ever to make the body better. It is always to extract.

There is nothing illegal about the purpose of the titans of finance in our society, though in my perfect world they would not exist.  A simple free enterprise model with basic banking backed by a strong government that reflect the people and not corrupted by these titans of finance is all that we need. We have been made to believe in a false complexity created by them to obfuscate reality.

When Cory Booker on Meet The Press implied that Mitt Romney using his experience at Bain Capital for his supposed job creation credentials should be off limits, he was simply wrong. Maybe he did not get the memo on Nick Hanauer’s TED speech titled “Wealthy Do Not Create Jobs-The Middle Class Does”.

Americans in general do not understand what unfettered capitalism has been doing to our jobs, our wages, our healthcare, or any number of issues that affect us directly. This election will present contrasts for Americans to decide and we must keep the debate wide open. Do we want an economy in which a parasitic group is deemed more worthy to society inasmuch as they produce nothing of societal value, or do we want a real free enterprise based economy where we all have a shot of success.

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